If you are having difficulty accessing or using your Binance.US account via the web, you should start by troubleshooting your browser choice and configurations. This guide will help you do so.
1. Try your browser's Incognito, Privacy, or Private Mode. It gives your browser a fresh slate from cache, cookies, and extensions.
If that works, it most likely means the issue was with your browser's cache and cookies (in which case, you'll need to delete them from All Time) or with a browser extension (in which case, you'll need to uninstall it).
2. Make sure that your browser is up-to-date. The browsers and minimum versions we support include:
Android Chrome >= 80
Brave >= 1.0
Chrome >= 57
Firefox >= 52
iOS Safari >= 10.3
Safari >= 10.1
Note: While other browsers and versions may work, they are not officially supported and some features may not work correctly.
3. Make sure that your browser has the following settings enabled:
Referer header
If the above does not resolve the issue you are experiencing, we also recommend the following:
Restart your device or computer. We know it sounds like cliche advice, but we've seen it solve more than a few cases.
Try a different device or computer.
Try a different internet connection. Avoid signing into your account on a shared or public Wi-Fi network as it may put your account at risk.