If you receive an insufficient funds message while trying to make a deposit, this indicates that our system does not consider there to be enough funds available in the connected account to cover the deposit. Below is some helpful information to troubleshoot and solve this issue.
Consider Previous Deposits Sent to Your Binance US Account
Consider Previous Deposits Sent to Your Binance US Account
You may receive an insufficient funds notice if you have made any ACH deposits to Binance US in the past three days that have not yet cleared your bank account.
Ensure You Have Over 130% of the Deposit Amount Available in Your Bank Account Before Depositing
Ensure You Have Over 130% of the Deposit Amount Available in Your Bank Account Before Depositing
Before attempting another deposit, please confirm that you have enough funds available in your bank account to cover this transaction, plus an additional 30% which will remain in your account (see example below). We also recommend depositing smaller increments to see whether or not the notice persists. Any transfers which have only recently brought your bank account balance above your deposit amount may also prompt this message.
Example: If you deposit $100.00, your ACH bank account must have a balance (before the deposit) of at least $130.00 or higher.
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