Binance.US will support the distribution of VTHO to VET holders. The VTHO will be distributed on a monthly basis, but calculated based on daily snapshots of each userโs VET balance.
Daily VTHO generated by each user = Daily total VTHO generated by Binance.US * User VTHO holdings ratio1
VET balances under 1 VET (including those in trade orders) will not be included into the daily VTHO calculations.
VTHO generation is calculated daily but distributed monthly. Distributions will be completed before the 15th of each month.
Binance.US will begin calculating VTHO from 11/07/2019.
1User VTHO holdings ratio = User VET holdings / Total VET held on Binance.US
You may find the Vechain Staking Rewards Calculations on the Binance.Us Staking Page.
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