Binance.US customers can easily convert small balances or leftover crypto dust to their choice of BNB, BTC, ETH, or USDT. This guide will show you how and answer any questions you may have.
What's In This Guide?
- How to convert your small balance or crypto dust to BNB, BTC, ETH, or USDT
- What qualifies as a "small balance"?
- Can I convert multiple small balances at once?
- Do any fees apply to the Convert Small Balances feature?
- How long do I have to wait between conversions?
- Additional resources
How to convert your small balance or crypto dust to BNB, BTC, ETH, or USDT
On app
1. On your home screen, tap the Wallet icon on the bottom bar. Then, tap Convert Small Balances.
2. Select the currency you would like to convert your small balances to from the tab options near the top of the screen.
3. Next, select the qualifying balances that you would like to convert. You can convert a single asset or multiple assets together.
Note: The value of any given cryptocurrency needs to be under $20 to qualify as a "small balance."
In the example below, the user has selected "All" available small balances.
Once ready, tap the yellow Convert button to proceed.
4. On the next page, carefully review the amount you will receive in your chosen cryptocurrency.
Note: When you use the Convert Small Balances feature, a small conversion fee applies. The fee will appear on the preview transaction page before the conversion is confirmed.
Tap Covert again if you are satisfied with the quote to successfully convert your small balance(s) to your selected cryptocurrency.
On web
1. Log in to your Binance.US account
2. Visit the Wallet page
3. Scroll down and on the right side of the page, click Convert Small Balances.
4. Select the cryptocurrency you would like to convert your small balances to from the tab options underneath "Convert Small Balances."
5. Next, select the qualifying balances that you would like to convert. You can convert a single asset or multiple assets together.
Note: The value of any given cryptocurrency needs to be under $20 to qualify as a "small balance."
In the example below, the user has selected "All" available small balances.
Once ready, click the yellow Convert button to proceed.
6. Carefully review the amount you will receive in your chosen cryptocurrency.
Note: When you use the Convert Small Balances feature, a small conversion fee applies. The fee will appear on the preview transaction page before the conversion is confirmed.
Click Confirm Conversion if you are satisfied with the quote to successfully convert your small balance(s).
What qualifies as a “small balance?”
Any cryptocurrency in a Binance.US Wallet that totals under $20 equivalent in value qualifies as a small balance. The balance must also be above the equivalent of $0.01 to qualify for conversion.
Can I convert multiple small balances?
You can convert a single asset or multiple assets together.
Do any fees apply to the Convert Small Balances feature?
When you use the Convert Small Balances feature, a small conversion fee applies. The fee will appear on the preview transaction page before the conversion is confirmed.
How long do I have to wait between conversions?
You must wait at least 6 hours between small balance conversions.
Additional Resources
- What is Crypto Dust? (Blog)
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