Institutional account users on Binance.US can use Sub-accounts to trade with multiple accounts that are all linked back to their primary Institutional account. This allows institutional users to separate responsibilities and manage their trades more efficiently and securely.
This feature is most suitable for institutions that have a trading team, need to trade with multiple strategies, or need to separate their assets for risk management purposes.
This guide will walk you through the process of setting up as well as managing Sub-accounts for your institutional account. If you would like to apply for an institutional account, please visit here for more information.
Please note that sub-accounts are available for institutional users only, and not for personal accounts.
How to Create a Sub-Account
How to Create a Sub-Account
1. Log in to your Institutional Binance.US account.
2. Scroll over your account email in the top-right corner and click Sub Accounts
from the drop-down menu
β3. From the Account Management screen, click on Create Sub-Account
β4. Enter the email address that you will use for your sub-account. Create a password and confirm it. Then, click Create
Please note that you will need need to verify your email address after account creation.
Managing your Sub-Accounts
Managing your Sub-Accounts
1. Once the sub-account is successfully created, it can be viewed in the Account Management list. To do so, scroll over your account email in the top-right corner and click Sub Accounts from the drop-down menu
Asset Management
Asset Management
1. To check the balance of the master account and all sub-accounts, simply click Asset Management (from the navigation bar near the top of the Account Management page).
2. Then, click Transfer. From here you can transfer assets between the master account and sub-accounts instantly without any fees
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